Saturday, June 28, 2008

Gackt Blog June 21st, 2008


通常版:オープン価格 / 店頭予想売価 : 18,900円(税込)ファンクラブ限定販売版:18,900円(税込)■通常版  PCソフト取扱い大手量販店やインターネットで販売します。「がくっぽいど」のキャラクター"神威がくぽ"は、大ヒット漫画「ベルセルク」の著者、三浦建太郎氏の描き下ろしオリジナルイラストです。


商品パッケージのイラストは後日公開予定■ファンクラブ限定販  7月4日から予約を開始します。予約方法など詳細は追ってお知らせします。



Vocaloid 2, Virtual Vocalist (Gackpoid)'s Information!!

Information on the Virtual Vocalist program where you can write a melody sung by Gackt himself, called Gackpoid.

The Sale Date is set for the End of July, 2008

Expectant price is 18,900 yen ($178.15 U.S.)

The Price is expected to be the same for Fan Club Members.

The Drawing of the God of music is rendered by mangaka artist, Kentarō Miura.

©Kentaro Miura

Reservations for this item will begin July 4th (Gackt's birthday!) 2008.

Visit the homepage for details and sound samples.


**On a side note... I contacted the publishers of the product and they have not decided to release an English version of this game... at this time. However, they are taking it into consideration.**

1 comment:

Unknown said...

YOU are so great to take the time to translate the posts for Gackt's MySpace site and to help fight the apparent plagersim of his music by Joost. It looks as if Gackt is really not personally involved with the MySpace site yet but I am hoping that he will take the time to read comments from fans and start posting personally one day like Yoshiki does. It is so exciting to be just that little bit closer to him. Hopefully someday he will actually recognize his other fans world wide especially in the USA since he did do his first Western concert in Long Beach, CA. I was so privileged to see the S.K.I.N. concert and it was thrilling, Again, thanks for all your efforts to keep his fans informed and to translate the blog posts on MySpace, Trudy