Sunday, September 7, 2008

Gackt Blog September 4th, 2008

TV雑誌『TVstation』9月20日号(9月17日発売)から隔号で連載が始まります。Gacktが、毎回トップアスリートと語り合う隔号連載「Gackt meets winners」。第1回のゲストは、元オリンピック柔道金メダリストで、格闘家の吉田秀彦さん。普段から親交のある二人のトークをお楽しみに!


TVstation magazine (similar to TV Guide in America) has a new issue coming out September 17th. Each issue, starting with this September issue, will feature Gackt speaking to one of the Japanese winners of the 2008 Oplympics. The first interview will be with original Olympic judo Kin medalist, Hidehiko Yoshida.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Gackt Blog August 25, 2008

*Special thanks to Ryuichi-chan of Gacktnights forum/Eyes of Angel fan site, who got this before I did. ^_^


「Gackt Live Tour 2008-2009 Requiem et Reminiscence II ~再生と邂逅~」







[** rough translation by Ryuichi-chan**]

The long-awaited nationwide tour decision which is after approximately 3 years!!

“Gackt Live Tour 2008-2009 Requiem et Reminiscence II ~ playback and encounter ~” Nationwide tour after approximately 3 years decided. The highest 43 city 52 performances are done so far.

Furthermore we introduce fan club limited [puremiamushito] which is first attempt. Details this viewing. Always, Gackt support receiving, thank you for. This time nationwide tour after three years decided, at official fan club Dears reserved preferentially. The premium seat which this time is introduced for the first time to everyone of Dears sending always warm encouragement and power where from is something which is born from the idea that by familiarly you make Gackt be moved not only, to do the favor return we would like.

However, frequently has done the note calling behavior such as resale of the ticket is verified in spite. Gackt thinks very sadly regrettably in this fact. The Dears member who is elected in the premium seat at the meeting place does the photograph attaching identification card and this human verification which is by member proof. Therefore entering & being seated, being able to receive is elected and becomes only main other person of the wooden pail.

When entering and when inside the meeting place, can be elected and main other person of the wooden pail it cannot verify, admission notice, there are times when you leave. In addition, resale of the ticket not only causing trouble, is prohibited even with regulations.

Please do not do under any condition as for purchase of illegal ticket from Internet and auction and such as scalper. When by any chance trouble happens, because with Dears it is unable to owe responsibility, please acknowledge beforehand. We have asked the conduct which is good sense of everyone.

***Thanks again Ryuichi***

Wouldn't you know... a 2008-2009 tour when I'm going to Japan April of 2010. lol.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Gackt Nine.Nine

Gackt「nine*nine」(読み方:ナイン・ポイント・ナイン) ¥21,000(tax in)

1999年、Gackt Jobと呼ばれるソロプロジェクトを始動。
ツアー 「MARS~空からの訪問者~」(2000年)より、アルバムリリースに合わせて全国ツアーを実施。

■初回生産限定 14枚組(CD×13+DVD×1)スペシャルBOX仕様

「Gackt Live Tour 2000 MARS~空からの訪問者~」
「Gackt Live Tour 2001 Requiem et Reminiscence~終焉と静寂~」
「Gackt Live Tour 2002 下弦の月~聖夜の調べ~」
「Gackt Live Tour 2003 上弦の月~最終章~」
「Gackt Live Tour 2005 12.24 DIABOLOS~哀婉の詩と聖夜の涙~」



Gackt Nine.Nine - $21,000 yen

After portraying Uesugi Kenshin, and finishing filming on a new Hollywood movie, which has turned attention on "Gackt the actor", Gackt is now focusing more and more on his music.

A Memory box of Gackt is soon to be released following approximately 9 years of Gackt's career, and there is plans for a live album collection.

In 1999, Gackt created his back up band known as Gacktjob

"The visitor ~ Mars Tour" a nation-wide tour, occured after the release of the Mars Album in 2000.

The first Tokyo Dome performance of Diabolos in 2005 was an extreme success. Rain fell on the stage, and Gackt rides out into the arena on a horse. The staging of his performances continues to evolve every year. As for the rest of the world, Gackt has cut into the heart of the audience world wide with his performances.

This all unfolded over 9 years.

The CD Includes

「Gackt Live Tour 2000 MARS~空からの訪問者~」
「Gackt Live Tour 2001 Requiem et Reminiscence~終焉と静寂~」
「Gackt Live Tour 2002 下弦の月~聖夜の調べ~」
「Gackt Live Tour 2003 上弦の月~最終章~」
「Gackt Live Tour 2005 12.24 DIABOLOS~哀婉の詩と聖夜の涙~」

(Recording title undecided)

In US $$ this is $195.00

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Gackt Blog July 4th

2008.8.23(土)~ 24(日)に行われる上越市を代表する夏祭り「謙信公祭」に、昨年に続きGacktが出陣します!昨年に引き続き8月23日に予定されている謙信公祭の「出陣行列」に謙信公役として参加の予定です。詳細は以下をご覧下さい。







on August 23, 2008... The Kenshin Public Festival will once again be held in Joetsu city. Gackt will once again take the field, which he first did at last year's festival!

On the 23rd of August, 2008, Gackt will portray the role of Uesugi Kenshin in the Taking of the Field celebration during the Kenshin Public Festival.

View details below

In addition, a limited number of Dears members will be able to take a bus tour to the Kenshin festival.

Day and Time: August 23rd-24th, 2008

Number of people: Limited to 500 members. For further details, please stay tuned to

See Gackt as Kenshin!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Gackt Blog July 3rd, 2008

2008年7月4日、Gacktの468歳の誕生日を迎え、Gackt OFFICIAL MYSPACEがリニューアル致しました!フレンドの皆さん、Gacktにお祝いのコメントやメッセージを送りましょう!


Gackt's official myspace is Celebrating Gackt's birthday, July 4th, 2008... he'll be 468 years old! Everyone who is a friend of Gackt's myspace, please leave a comment in celebration of his birthday, and they will be sent to Gackt!!


On a side note: I did leave a comment, and also sent an email to the myspace page that is now listed as 'read' with a special birthday blog I had set up for Gackt.

hopefully this latest blog entry means that the blog will be passed along to him. ^_^

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Gackt Blog June 21st, 2008


通常版:オープン価格 / 店頭予想売価 : 18,900円(税込)ファンクラブ限定販売版:18,900円(税込)■通常版  PCソフト取扱い大手量販店やインターネットで販売します。「がくっぽいど」のキャラクター"神威がくぽ"は、大ヒット漫画「ベルセルク」の著者、三浦建太郎氏の描き下ろしオリジナルイラストです。


商品パッケージのイラストは後日公開予定■ファンクラブ限定販  7月4日から予約を開始します。予約方法など詳細は追ってお知らせします。



Vocaloid 2, Virtual Vocalist (Gackpoid)'s Information!!

Information on the Virtual Vocalist program where you can write a melody sung by Gackt himself, called Gackpoid.

The Sale Date is set for the End of July, 2008

Expectant price is 18,900 yen ($178.15 U.S.)

The Price is expected to be the same for Fan Club Members.

The Drawing of the God of music is rendered by mangaka artist, Kentarō Miura.

©Kentaro Miura

Reservations for this item will begin July 4th (Gackt's birthday!) 2008.

Visit the homepage for details and sound samples.


**On a side note... I contacted the publishers of the product and they have not decided to release an English version of this game... at this time. However, they are taking it into consideration.**

Gackt Blog June 9th, 2008




Sale of Gackpoid (Vocalid, Virtual vocalist) has been postponed

The Virtual Vocalist software program where you can compose lyrics and music to be sung by Gackt, Gackpoid, due to be released in the middle of June, was postponed due to modifications and sellecting the illustration for the packaging. This is to better tune up the pronounciation and method of singing with a better quality, to better serve the customer. Furthermore, the development is being advanced. The date of sale and purchase price will be announced later in June. Thank you for your patience.

Gackt Blog June 3rd, 2008

5/22より札幌パルコ5FにてDark side inhabitants shopが期間限定でOPEN!
札幌パルコ 札幌市中央区南1条西3丁目TEL 011-214-2111(代表)10:00AM~8:00PM (土曜8:30PM) 5/22~6/18まで


Dark Side Inhabitants shop is currently OPEN for a limited time!

the Sapporo [paruko] Sapporo city Chuo Ku south 1 provision west 3 Chome
TEL 011-214-2111
10:00 AM~8: 00PM
(Saturday 8: 30PM)

This is limited to 5/22 through 6/18

Gackt Blog May 31st, 2008




The Adventures of Eneru Begin!

Gackt Blog May 6th, 2008



Gackt's dog, Eneru, has become the character in a flash website, see details below

Gackt Blog May 8th, 2008




Gackpoid is going on Sale soon!

Vocaloid Software presents Gackpoid, a program you can creat melody and lyrics to which Gackt's voice will sing, will be for sale sometime in the middle of June. An Extention of Vocaloid 2 by the Yamaha corporation, Gackt will be appearing as the main voice!

Sale date and Price will be announced Soon!!

Gackt Blog April 30th, 2008

名取三越2FにDark side inhabitants shopが期間限定でOPEN

期間:5/1~6/30場所:名取三越 〒981-1224 宮城県名取市増田字関下460番地(17街区1画地)TEL. 022-383-7111営業時間:10:00AM~8:00PM(平日10:00AM~7:00PM)


Dark Side Inhabitants Shop Open for a Limited Time!

Period: 5/1~6/30
Place: 460 address (17 block 1 lots) Japan
TEL under Natori Mitsukoshi 〒981-1224 Miyagi prefecture Natori city Masuda letter Seki. 022-383-7111
business hour: 10: 00AM~8: 00PM (weekday 10: 00AM~7: 00PM)

Gackt Blog - April 28,2008


Gacktが、俳優としてハリウッド映画に出演することが決定!Snoot Entertainment社とPicturesque社がジョシュ・ハートネット(『パール・ハーバー』(2001年)など主演、写真左)、デミ・ムーア (『ゴースト』(1990年)など主演)出演の新作映画『BUNRAKU』の撮影を開始。この映画に、昨年のNHK大河ドラマ『風林火山』で上杉謙信役を演じたGacktにハリウッドが注目。本作品の脚本・監督をつとめるGuy Mosheは、主人公役のジョシュ・ハートネットのパートナーとしてGacktを熱望。監督自らが来日し、直接本人を口説いたほどの思い入れ。監督の熱意に打たれたGacktは、出演を快諾!



Gackt Finally hits Hollywood!

Gackt is finally hitting the big screen as a Hollywood Actor! Snoot Entertainment Corporation and the Picturesque Corporation are bringing us Bunraku.

It co-stars Josh Hartnett (Pearl Harbor, 2001), Demi Moore (Ghost, 1990) and Ron Pearlman (Hellboy, 2004 & 2008). Filming has already begun.

Guy Moshe, the script writer, first noticed Gackt playing the role of Uesugi Kenshin in the NHK Drama series, Fuurin Kazan last year. He deeply desired Gackt to play the Role of Josh Hartnett's characters friend. (Josh playing the main protagonist of the movie.)

Gackt is very eager, willing and excited to be taking part in this movie.

Having protrayed Uesugi Kenshin in last year's Fuurin Kazan, is honored by the acceptance of his portrayal. Gackt was intrigued by the concept of the movie, and to be able to express the Bushido mindset as the partner of Josh Hartnett's character.

"This movie confronts my performance abilities. I felt very strongly about this movie, and I took the role willingly."

with all the great actors from Hollywood lining up in this movie, Gackt would like to prove his own ability to perform and express to the world. Please wait with anticipation. This is a dream come true for Gackt.

As for news, please watch TV information, web news, newspapers, ect.


This is the best translation I could come up with. Gomen... My ability to Translate Japanese is still in it's early stages.

Gackt Blog April 15th, 2008

Ama Kakeru Ryu no Gotoku - Kenshin, Soshite Gackt e

4200 yen ($38.90 US)

DVD release of Gackt featuring Gackt reminiscing about his roll as Uesugi Kenshin in the TV series "Furin Kazan." Includes interviews, scenes from the TV show, making-of footage, and more!

Region 2

Subtitles in Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean

On Sale now!!

Gackt blog, April 14th, 2008



It is time to celebrate!

Gackt's official myspace blog has finally been born! We await your friend requests!!

Welcome to the Gackt Blog Translations site


Watashi wa Ara desu!

You probably know me as the Ara from the Gackt news Fan Blog (Blogger) and Gackt News Fanblog (Myspace)

I've been getting asked a lot if I can translate the blogs on Gackt's myspace blog and his official website.

While I'm not an expert in Japanese translation, I will do my best. Whenever there is a new blog posted, you can check here to see if the translations are up!

Again, let me remind you, when it comes to translations, I'm still in the early learning stages, so not all translations will be 100% accurate, but hopefully, you will get the gist of it for the most part. ^_^

Again, I'll try my best!!

Ja Mata!
